Urgent and Emergency Care Department Update

Welcome to Arrowe Park Hospital, where we are transforming our urgent and emergency care facilities to serve you better.
Our old building is undergoing a major upgrade, with a new extension and a modern interior design. This means more space, comfort, and convenience for you and your loved ones when you need it most.
A clear layout will guide you to the right place. Whether you need Urgent Care or Emergency services, you’ll find a single-entry point with directions to the appropriate area.
Highlights of the project include a new resuscitation wing, a private ambulance entrance for enhanced patient privacy and dignity, as well as a staff floor designed to support our dedicated teams. We’re also creating a new look 24/7 Children’s Emergency Department.
We’re committed to providing you with exceptional services and care. Even during this transformation, our emergency care remains accessible.
Thank you for being part of this exciting journey.