Generous Donation Enhances Arrowe Park Hospital’s Care Services

A partnership initiative at Wirral University Teaching Hospital has offered comfort for patients who are coping with pregnancy loss.
Staff at the Trust have joined Tilbury Douglas, the lead contractors developing the new urgent and emergency care facility at Arrowe Park Hospital, in creating 100 CRADLE Comfort Bags.
They were created for the CRADLE Charity, a national organisation supporting families who have suffered pregnancy loss. The compassion-filled bags were then donated to the gynaecology ward at Wirral Women and Children’s Hospital at the Arrowe Park Hospital site.
The hospital’s dedicated site team, working in close collaboration with volunteers from the construction company, meticulously assembled the bags.
These compassionate kits are thoughtfully designed to provide solace to women and couples who have experienced pregnancy loss. Each bag contains essential toiletries and informational material, offering comfort during a tough time.
"The comfort bags symbolise more than just toiletries; they represent a beacon of hope and solace during challenging moments," said Jo Lavery, Women and Children’s Divisional Director of Nursing and Midwifery.
This donation epitomises the essence of community and care that forms part of the project to develop the new urgent and emergency care facility. The unwavering commitment to supporting the NHS early pregnancy loss service shines through in this generous gesture.
Martin Horne, Regional Director of Tilbury Douglas, echoed pride in being the pioneering contractor partnering with CRADLE Charity.
"Our volunteers and the Arrowe Park Hospital site team demonstrate unwavering dedication," he said. Through essential toiletry donations, they are making a difference in supporting NHS partners during early pregnancy loss."