Newborn and Children (Paediatrics)

Wirral Services for Child Health (WiSCH) is a referral service for children. We provide modern, up to date care lead by expert doctors and nurses.
Hospital and Outpatient Clinics

Children who are ill and are referred by GP or walk in centre are seen in the Children's Emergency Department. This department sees children with accidents and emergencies. The department can call on the expertise of doctors and nurses through out the hospital to assess and treat ill and injured children.
Children who need hospital treatment for an illness or operation are cared for
on the Children's Ward. The ward is new and state of the art with all facilities needed to care for ill children and to support their parents.
Children who have complicated medical needs but not acute illness's will go to
Children's Outpatient Department. The department sees children and newborns recovering from an acute illness and children with illnesses which need the expertise of Paediatricians and other specialists.
Children's Outpatient Clinics
We run child outpatient clinics at our four hospital sites. These are:
- Wirral Women and Children’s Hospital / Arrowe Park Hospital
- Clatterbridge Hospital
- St Catherine’s Health Centre
- Victoria Central Health Centre
Community - Continuing Care Service

The service offers community support to children with complex health needs from 0-19 years, with various levels of dependency.
The level of support offered is based around the individual needs of the child and family.
The aim of a support package is to assist mum, dad, families and carers in their role of primary carer for the child/young person. Care is delivered by a highly trained skilled team of Senior Health Care Assistants who have undertaken extensive additional training under the guidance of fully trained paediatric nurses.
The Continuing Care Service works very closely with partner agencies, specifically the Children and Young People’s Department (CYPD)
Useful links/information

Medicines For Children leaflets cover many of the medicines that are prescribed or recommended to children by children’s doctors (paediatricians), pharmacists or nurses.
They answer your questions, including: Why does your child need to take the medicine? When do you need to give the medicine? What if you forget to give the medicine, or give too much? Are there any possible side-effects (effects that we don’t want)
Visit this link for more information visit this link
The Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) produce information for parents and carers whose children will be undergoing anaesthetiss. The information was originally prepared by individual anaesthetists for the use of patients in their own hospital. Although the RCoA has not been directly involved in their production they can acknowledge that they meet the basic RCoA general standards for good quality patient information.
For more information on anaesthetics please visit this link