How to choose us for your care

It's easy to choose us to care for you.
Just tell your GP that you'd like us to treat you and they'll refer you through one of two types of referral:
Routine referral
Your GP will send a referral letter to Wirral Women and Children's Hospital or give you a reference number which will enable you to access the Choose and Book system (Please see related links to the left hand side of this page).
You can also call the Wirral Booking Office on 0151 604 7501 for more information.
When calling the Wirral Booking Office, please have your reference number and password available.
If the referral is to a specific named consultant, the patient will normally be seen in his or her clinic unless an earlier or more appropriate appointment is available with another consultant.
General referrals will be seen in the next available clinic with an appropriate consultant.
Emergency Referral
In an emergency patients can be referred to the gynaecology unit in several ways:
Monday to Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm – urgent referrals can be made to the acute gynaecology unit (0151 604 7450) where patients will be seen by specialist nurses and the on-call team if required and ultrasound facilities are available.
Out of hours please contact the on-call gynaecology SHO (or registrar if SHO is unavailable) to discuss the patient and decide an appropriate pathway.
Patients can be seen by the on-call gynaecology team in A&E.
Maternity Care
Choose us to have your baby. Click here to register with us.