Gynae Cancer Services
All women with a suspected gynaecological cancer who are referred by their GP as an urgent referral will be seen within 2 weeks.
The appointment will be with either Ms Pennington’s team in her gynaecology clinic or in the colposcopy, pelvic mass or post menopausal bleeding clinic if this is more appropriate.
Services Available
- Colopsopy services
- Vulval Clinic
- Gynaecological Cancer clinic
- Pelvic Mass clinic
- Outpatient hysteroscopy service
- Specialist nursing teams
Routine Investigations
This will depend on the type of cancer suspected but may include:
- Pelvic ultrasound scan
- Biopsy of the lining of the womb or other areas as appropriate
- Cervical smear or Colposcopy
- Outpatient hysteroscopy
- CT/MRI scans
- Blood tests
Patients should be referred to Ms Pennington on a suspected Gynaecological cancer proforma. Patients will be seen within 2 weeks in the most appropriate clinic.
Our Team
Ms Sally Pennington, Consultant Gynaecologist
Ms Smitha George, Consultant Gynaecologist
Ms Karen Radley, Gynae Clinical Nurse Specialist
Ms Kate Roberts, Gynae Clinical Nurse Specialist
Ms Debbie Cook, Gynae Clinical Nurse Specialist
Ms Sharon Leather, Gynae Cancer Care Coordinator
Please see 'Related Links' to left of this page for additional information, including:
- Cancer Research UK
- Macmillan
- Maggies - 0151 334 4301
- National Disease Registration Service
Also includes the ‘Live Well, Stay Well’ Initiative
- The Live Well Directory
- Smoking: ablhealth 0151 541 5656
- Alcohol: Change Grow Live 0151 556 1335
- Physical Activity: Wirral Council
- Healthy Eating: Change4Life
- Social and Welfare: Involve North West 0151 644 4516
- Social and Welfare: Ask Us Wirral - Adviceline number -
0808 278 7848 (freephone) Monday to Friday 9:30am – 4pm
- Blood Pressure: Blood pressure monitoring
Gynae cancer services
- Abdominal Paracentesis For Malignant Ascites Modified: 16/07/2021 12:06PM | Download:
- Endometrial Cancer (Treatment Options) Modified: 16/07/2021 12:13PM | Download:
- Endometrial Hyperplasia Modified: 16/07/2021 12:13PM | Download:
- Laparoscopic Surgery For Endometrial Cancer Modified: 16/07/2021 12:13PM | Download:
- Lichen Sclerosus Modified: 16/07/2021 12:13PM | Download:
- Malignant Ascites Modified: 16/07/2021 12:13PM | Download:
- Ovarian Cysts And Treatment Modified: 16/07/2021 12:13PM | Download:
- Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VIN) Modified: 16/07/2021 12:13PM | Download: