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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "accident"

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Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS)

Last updated on Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Advanced Paediatric Life Support is taught, and its principles practised throughout the world. Over 83,000 candidates have completed the course since its inception in 1993. The 3-day APLS course comprises of a flexible one-day on-line component (VLE) and a two-day face-to-face course. Candidates...

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Tag:   Advanced (1)     Paediatric (1)     Life Support (1)     APLS (2)     Emergency Medicine (1)     serious (1)     accident (5)    

When to visit A&E

Last updated on Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Accident and Emergency (A&E) department or Emergency Department at hospital is for major, life-threatening illnesses and injuries. Major A&E departments offer access 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, although not every hospital has an A&E department. A&E departments assess and...

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Tag:   A&E (6)     emergency (12)     accident (5)     injury (5)     life threatening (1)     bleeding (2)     breathing difficulties (1)     chest pain (3)     unconsciousness (1)    

Emergency Department

Last updated on Thursday, June 13, 2024

In a life threatening emergency, phone 999 for an ambulance to take you straight to the Emergency Department (ED). The ED at Arrowe Park Hospital is for patients with major injuries, life threatening illnesses and urgent medial emergencies. Emergency services are very busy and you should only at...

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Tag:   accident (5)     emergency (12)     a&e (4)     Urgent (3)     ambulance (2)     Life threatening (1)    

Children's Ward

Last updated on Monday, April 9, 2018

The Children’s Ward consists of both medical and surgical beds. The ward can provide a total of 32 beds including an Emergency Room, two High Dependency rooms and a treatment room. With 16 individual rooms and four bays. A bed will be allocated according to your child’s age and condition. The ch...

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Tag:   children (16)     child (12)     ward (9)     inpatient (4)     stay (1)     hospital stay (3)     visiting (4)     ELPAS (1)     Dependency (1)     Emergency (2)     A&E (6)     accident (5)    

Other useful contacts

Last updated on Wednesday, April 24, 2019

A&E Reception 0151 604 7716 Communications and Marketing 0151 604 7762 CT 0151 604 7483 (Arrowe Park) Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) 0151 604 7339 Medicines Helpline 0151 482 7690 Membership 0800 0121 356 MRI 0151 604 7317 (Arrowe Park) Park Suite 0151 604 7774 Physiotherapy 0151 604...

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Tag:   useful contact numbers (2)     contacts (3)     enquiry (2)     phone (2)    

Trauma and Orthopaedics

Last updated on Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Trauma and Orthopaedic Department at Wirral University Teaching Hospital provide specialist treatment for disorders to limbs and joints. The type of treatment we offer can be for bone problems such as arthritis or for problems involving ligaments, muscles, tendons and other soft tissue. Our...

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Tag:   Trauma (1)     Orthopaedics (1)     limb (2)     joint (3)     knee (2)     hip (2)     shoulder (1)     neck (4)     spine (2)     ankle (2)     foot (3)     hand (3)     bones (2)    

Where are they now?

Last updated on Sunday, June 24, 2018

NAME: Niki Barr WHERE SHE STARTED Business Administration Apprentice, Accident and Emergency DepartmentAt the age of 19 Niki was looking forward to a career with the NHS. She worked through an apprenticeship in Business and Administration in the Accident and Emergency Department at the Wirral U...

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Tag:   where (1)     development (8)     feedback (28)     future (1)     case study (1)