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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "audiology"

31 pages found in the Patients and Visitors website ...  Showing 31 pages.

Page results

Paediatric Audiology and Audiovestibular Medicine

Last updated on Friday, August 17, 2018

What we do The Paediatric Audiology and Audiovestibular Medicine department of Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust provides a comprehensive range of services for children with all types of hearing and balance problems. This may include children with: Hearing loss due to Glue Ear P...

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Tag:   children (16)     hearing (14)     sound (9)     deafness (5)     hearing loss (9)     audiology (10)     paediatric (5)     glue ear (1)    

Adult Audiology and Hearing Aids

Last updated on Wednesday, August 15, 2018

What we do We provide a range of services for adults with hearing impairments at a number of convenient locations. How To Contact Us All Adult Audiology Appointments, with the exception of ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat), are booked via the Arrowe Park Adult Audiology Department, including appointm...

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Tag:   audiology (10)     hearing (14)     ears (4)     test (9)     sound (9)     ENT (5)     Impariments (1)     loss (3)    

Paediatric Audiology

Last updated on Friday, June 22, 2018

The Paediatric Audiology and Audiovestibular Medicine department of the Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust provides a comprehensive range of services for children with all types of hearing and balance problems. This may include children with: Hearing loss due to Glue Ear Permanent...

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Tag:   children's (5)     hearing (14)     ear (9)     ears (4)     deaf (6)     sound (9)     child (12)     baby (6)     toddler (2)     hearing aid (8)     loud (1)     noise (1)     levels (2)     auditory (1)     audio (2)     audiology (10)    

Document results