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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "drink"

22 pages found in the Patients and Visitors website ...  Showing 22 pages.

Page results

How Much is Too Much?

Last updated on Monday, August 20, 2018

Remember drink sensibly and if..."You wouldn't sober, you shouldn't drunk!" In 2016 government recommendations brought the consumption of alcohol by men into line with recommended levels for women. The current suggested level of alcohol for both men and women is 14 units of alcohol per week, but...

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Tag:   drinksafe (1)     alcohol (4)     over the limit (1)     units (1)     booze (1)     drink (4)    

Restaurants at APH

Last updated on Friday, December 27, 2024

We have a wide range of refreshment facilities at Arrowe Park Hospital. This includes cafes and restaurants. We also have vending facilities where you can purchase light snacks, meals and drinks 24 hours a day.  Our in-house catering team provide a superb range of high quality, nutritious hot...

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Tag:   restaurant (4)     cafe (6)     eat (3)     food (7)     drink (4)     refreshments (5)     coffe (1)     tea (6)    

Discharge Hospitality Centre Video

Last updated on Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Discharge Hospitality Centre (DHC) Video As part of our Patient Experience Strategy, we want to raise awareness of our discharge hospitality centre (DHC)! We want your discharge process to be as smooth as possible - and the DHC makes this possible! This video will take you on a tour of how t...

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Tag:   discharge (9)     Estimated Date of Discharge (2)     safe discharge (2)     hospital (3)     leave (1)     home (3)     parking (11)     medicine (5)     pharmacy (5)     ward (9)     transport (20)     staff (8)     environment (2)     Arrowe Park Hospital (2)     arrowe park (11)     carer (6)     carers (4)     food (7)     drink (4)     nhs (3)    

Eating and drinking

Last updated on Monday, October 5, 2020

Fasting information for morning patients arriving at 7am Do not eat after midnight. You may drink 50ml water per hour up to 06:00. Do not eat sweets or chew gum.   Fasting information for afternoon patients arriving at 11am You may have a light early breakfast before 06:00 and drink 50ml wat...

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Last updated on Thursday, February 21, 2019

Eat healthily in preparation for your operation especially fruit and vegetables.  On the day of your operation you will be given a carbohydrate drink to keep your body fuelled for surgery.  After the operation you may have nutritional supplements in the form of drinks- please take them as they wi...

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What happens when you arrive

Last updated on Monday, October 5, 2020

You will be greeted by the receptionist in the Pre-Operative Assessment Unit who will check your details are correct. You will then be asked to fill in a health questionnaire, and the nursing staff will go through your answers with you to determine whether further assessment is required. Tests:...

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