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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "retinal"

3 pages found in the Patients and Visitors website ...  Showing 3 pages.

Page results

Ophthalmic Technical Services

Last updated on Monday, August 16, 2021

Our team of ophthalmic technicians provide the following services: Visual field testing for a range of eye conditions including glaucoma which assists the ophthalmologist in diagnosis and management Retinal imaging (photographing the back of the eye) which is also used by the ophthalmologist...

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Tag:   retina (10)     retinal (2)     ophthalmic (1)     biometry (1)     visual (2)     eye (3)    

Ophthalmology (Eyes)

Last updated on Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Ophthalmology is the medical and surgical management of conditions of the eye. Our department offers general ophthalmic services treating all common conditions and also runs a number specialist services. These include: Cataract Glaucoma Age-related macular degeneration Diabetic eye disease...

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Tag:   Eye (1)     Ophthalmology (1)     optics (1)     sight (2)     vision (8)     cornea (1)     retina (10)     retinal (2)     optometry (1)     orthoptic (1)     cataract (2)     Glaucoma (1)     degeneration (1)     eye lid (1)     Diabetic (2)     diabetes (14)    

Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy

Last updated on Monday, March 17, 2025

Slit lamp biomicroscopy (SLB) is an examination technique used when adequate retinal examination cannot be obtained using digital photography. There are several reasons why a patient may get a non-assessable result from the digital screening examination, one example is that the lens of the eye c...

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Tag:   screening (15)     diabetic (8)     diabetes (14)     blood sugar (11)     desp (8)     retinopathy (8)     retina (10)    

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