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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "severe"

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Pressure Ulcers

Last updated on Thursday, April 19, 2018

All patients admitted to our organization have a full skin inspection to ensure measures are put in place to prevent skin damage. Pressure ulcers are localised injuries to the skin and/or underlying tissue as a result of pressure. They are sometimes known as bedsores. They can be classified into...

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Tag:   pressure (1)     sore (1)     pressure sore (1)     ulcer (2)     wound (1)     infection (3)     bed sore (1)     skin injury (1)    

Genetics in critically-ill patients

Last updated on Thursday, August 8, 2024

GenOMICC Study   What is the study about? Infectious diseases and severe injuries affect millions of people around the world every year. Most cases are mild, but some people become very unwell. Our genes (or DNA) determine how vulnerable we are to critical illness. If we could find the genes...

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Tag:   ITU (4)     intensive (4)     care (24)     DNA (1)     Genetics (1)     study (7)     critical (5)     illness (2)     GenOMICC (1)    

What are the symptoms of Lymphoedema?

Last updated on Thursday, January 30, 2020

The main symptom of lymphoedema is swelling in all or part of a limb or another part of the body. It can be difficult to fit into clothes, and jewellery and watches can feel tight. At first, the swelling may come and go. It may get worse during the day and go down overnight. Without treatment, i...

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Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Last updated on Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) is an exercise and education programme for patients diagnosed with a chronic respiratory condition. The programme is run by specialist physiotherapists, but additional support is provided by respiratory nurses and dietitians during the education sessions. PR is widel...

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Tag:   Pulmonary (10)     Rehabilitation (1)     lung (10)     disease (4)     breathing (5)     dietitians (1)     respiratory (5)     chronic (1)    

When to visit A&E

Last updated on Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Accident and Emergency (A&E) department or Emergency Department at hospital is for major, life-threatening illnesses and injuries. Major A&E departments offer access 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, although not every hospital has an A&E department. A&E departments assess and...

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Tag:   A&E (6)     emergency (12)     accident (5)     injury (5)     life threatening (1)     bleeding (2)     breathing difficulties (1)     chest pain (3)     unconsciousness (1)    

Dermatology Ward and Daycare Unit

Last updated on Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Most patients with skin conditions can be treated by themselves in the community with the advice and guidance of our specialist team. A proportion of patients with more severe skin conditions may require hospital-based treatments with creams which are difficult or messy to apply at home, or trea...

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Tag:   skin (8)     mole (3)     dermatology (7)     assessment (7)    


Last updated on Friday, February 26, 2021

The Microbiology service examines swabs, pus, body fluids, sputum, faeces and urine for the presence of infection and disease causing bacteria.   Through association with other laboratories it is able to offer a comprehensive service.   Antimicrobial Therapy and Clinical Consultation   When...

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Tag:   Bacteriology (1)    

Gynaecology Assessment Unit

Last updated on Monday, February 10, 2025

We offer a fast-track nurse led comprehensive service for women referred by their GP with urgent gynaecological problems. Most women can be seen on the same day of referral. Services Available Diagnosis and management of women with severe pain or bleeding Diagnosis and management of women fo...

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