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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "soft"

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Page results

Lower Limb

Last updated on Monday, April 16, 2018

The Lower Limb service treats patients with hip and knee related concerns. Our team consists of: 8 consultant surgeons 1 clinical fellow 4 advanced nurse practitioners A few of the surgical service we provide are: Primary hip and knee replacement surgery Arthroscopic surgery Revisio...

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Tag:   lower limb (3)     Arthroscopic (2)     knee (2)     hip (2)     foot (3)     soft (1)     tissue (2)     joint (3)    

Swim Plugs

Last updated on Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Swim Plugs   Seals the ear from water ingress Designed for maximum comfort and performance Available in floatable material Antibacterial NANO coating Soft pouch, comfort cream and instructions included Range of Colours    £ 54.99 per pair  

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Snore Plugs

Last updated on Wednesday, August 15, 2018

SnorePlug The ideal way to block out noise. Each individual Custom Earplug is hand crafted and shaped to fit the ear perfectly. SnorePlug can be worn comfortably all night and greatly reduces noise entering the ear allowing a peaceful night’s sleep for the wearer. SnorePlug is made from a soft,...

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Trauma and Orthopaedics

Last updated on Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Trauma and Orthopaedic Department at Wirral University Teaching Hospital provide specialist treatment for disorders to limbs and joints. The type of treatment we offer can be for bone problems such as arthritis or for problems involving ligaments, muscles, tendons and other soft tissue. Our...

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Tag:   Trauma (1)     Orthopaedics (1)     limb (2)     joint (3)     knee (2)     hip (2)     shoulder (1)     neck (4)     spine (2)     ankle (2)     foot (3)     hand (3)     bones (2)    

Foot and ankle

Last updated on Monday, June 17, 2024

Foot and Ankle Pain Most people experience pain in and around their feet or ankles at some point in their lives. It’s one of the most complex, hard-working regions of your body. It has 26 bones and 33 small joints, all held together by a network of soft tissue made up of muscles, tendons, ligam...

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Elbow and hand

Last updated on Monday, June 17, 2024

Elbow and Hand pain Most elbow and hand pain has a very simple cause and clears up within a few days. The pain usually comes from strained or inflamed soft tissues such as tendons. You can normally treat this pain yourself with over-the-counter painkillers and a few days' rest, and you may not n...

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Last updated on Monday, April 30, 2018

Ultrasounds (also known as sonographs) are considered a safe examination. They use high frequency waves to view the organs and soft tissue of the body to produce an image. Ultrasounds normally take between 10 and 25 minutes depending on which examination you are having. Having an ultrasound is...

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Tag:   Ultrasound (1)     scan (10)     test (9)     sonograph (1)    

Noise Barrier

Last updated on Wednesday, August 15, 2018

NoiseBarrier NoiseBarrier is a re-usable ear plug which is customised to your ears giving exceptional comfort and a perfect fit. Because NoiseBarrier contains a little filter, only the harmful levels of noise are blocked. This means the sound you want to hear passes through at a comfortable, saf...

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