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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "bereavement service"

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Page results

Remember: A&E is for emergencies and life threatening illnesses only

Last updated on Thursday, April 19, 2018

When you're unwell, sometimes choosing the right service to help treat you can feel confusing or worrying. No one wants to waste NHS resources, so knowing who to see in order to help you can be useful, especially at a time when you're feeling poorly. Below are the services you have to choose from...

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Tag:   nhs (3)     emergency (12)     options (1)     services (4)     pharmacy (5)     GP (5)     walk in (1)     walk-in (2)     a&e (4)     self medication (1)     home care (9)    

Quality Standards

Last updated on Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Our education provision is regularly reviewed by a range of standards to ensure the delivery of high quality education opportunities for our staff. Achievements We are pleased to say our Trust: is an accredited centre to deliver the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) introductory c...

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Tag:   quality standards (1)     investor (2)     people (1)     IIP (2)     medical council (1)     quality (2)     framework (1)     ILM (2)    

Interstitial Cystitis Clinics

Last updated on Thursday, April 19, 2018

This service is available to both men and women who suffer from Interstitial Cystitis. This condition is diagnosed by a Consultant urologist and treatment is then arranged by the Urology Nurse Practitioners. We have four clinics per week allowing for patient choice when is most suitable. Treatm...

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Tag:   cystitis (3)     urologist (2)     urology (4)     urea (3)     bladder (6)     function (2)    

Sexual Health for Men

Last updated on Thursday, April 19, 2018

Sexual Health Wirral provides free and confidential information advice and treatments for men living in Wirral regardless of age, ethnicity or sexuality. Sexual Health Wirral is a joint initiative by local NHS organisations and other agencies to ensure there is a simple, up to date source of sup...

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Gynaecology cancer

Last updated on Thursday, May 24, 2018

All clinics, and most surgery, for gynaecological conditions are based at Arrowe Park Hospital, although any complex ovarian surgery is performed at Liverpool Women’s Hospital. The gynaecology team meets on alternate weeks in which tests and investigations are reviewed and discussed and treatmen...

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Tag:   ovary (1)     fallopian (1)     uterine (1)     cervical (2)     screen (2)     smear (4)     pap (1)     colposcopy (1)    

What is Orthotics?

Last updated on Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Orthotics is a service that provides devices called orthoses (also called braces and splints). These are given to help to prevent, correct or accommodate a deformity and/or improve function. This can be as a result of an injury, disorder or due to the way our bodies alter as we get older. Orthos...

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Support Available

Last updated on Friday, December 27, 2024

Should any patient or visitor need assistance from the front entrance to a specific area for their hospital appointment, surgery or to visit a patient, you can pre book a volunteer assistant who will meet you at the main entrance and escort you to the area. A wheel chair can be provided if requir...

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