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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

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Welcome Workstreams

Last updated on Monday, June 3, 2024

Welcome Promise Group Workstreams: Orientation Films Orientation films, also called patient education videos or welcome videos, are short informative films made by WUTH. These films help patients, carers and their families get ready for their hospital stay or medical procedure. We make these...

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Tag:   welcome (4)     patient (16)     Patient Experience Strategy (29)     promise (9)     promise groups (7)     video (8)     ward (9)     department (1)     workstream (1)     Ward folder (2)     Signage (1)     Wayfinding (1)     access (5)     accessibility (4)     collaborate (2)    

Hospital at Home

Last updated on Monday, April 9, 2018

The Children’s Hospital at Home Team consists of a group of experienced Children’s Nurses providing acute nursing care in the child’s home. The service is intended for children who could be nursed at home for all or part of their illness. Following admission to hospital, children who require furt...

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Tag:   Intravenous (1)     antibiotic (1)     Oncology (1)     Surgical (1)     Dermatology (2)     oxygen therapy (1)     home care (9)     home therapy (3)     home team (2)    

Steve Igoe, Non-Executive Director

Last updated on Monday, July 4, 2022

Steve Igoe was appointed as Non-Executive Director at WUTH in 2018 and brings a wealth of experience to the Organisation.  He was previously a Non–Executive Director and Senior Independent Director at Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, where he chaired their Audit Committee and Integrated...

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What is a COPD exacerbation?

Last updated on Wednesday, April 18, 2018

An exacerbation is a flare up of COPD symptoms.  The signs can include: Increased breathlessness (more than usual) Reduced walking distance Increase in coughing Changes in the amount/colour/thickness of phlegm Chest feeling tight New or increased wheeze If there two or more of these sy...

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Tag:   COPD (7)     Chronic (2)     disease (4)     lung disease (3)     oxygen (9)     breathing (5)    

Ward 12 at Arrowe Park

Last updated on Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wirral Hospital's Orthopaedic team are fortunate enough to be one of the few in the North West to have elective inpatient beds that are ring fenced for Orthopaedic elective use only. This has been recommended by the British Orthopaedic Association to reduce the number of cancelled elective operat...

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Tag:   ward 12 (2)     arrowe park (11)     orthopaedic (5)     sports injury (4)     wards (3)    

Bowel Cancer Screening

Last updated on Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme is a national screening programme coordinated by Public Health England. NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme Most people in their 60s will have already received an invitation from the programme. Screening is for people without symptoms. If you are conc...

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Tag:   bowel (6)     scope (1)     colonoscopy (2)     cancer (21)     abnormal (2)     screen (2)     screening (15)    

Making healthcare more accessible through Technology

Last updated on Monday, May 30, 2022

To ensure that as many patients as possible were reviewed during the COVID-19 pandemic, Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH) implemented Video Consultations using the Attend Anywhere technology. Over 700 hours of consultations were done online in 2021, and over 2000 patients were contacted...

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