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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "i have a porter cable 20 v rapid charger. how do i get the battery out to charge it"

758 pages found in the Patients and Visitors website ...  Showing 758 pages.

Page results

Lymphoedema Service

Last updated on Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Lymphoedema Service provides treatment for patients with predominantly non-cancer related lymphoedema.  If patients have lymphoedema as a direct result of cancer, they will be referred to the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre Lymphoedema Service. The Lymphoedema Service is provided for patients wh...

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Tag:   lymphoedema (1)     swelling (1)     aching (1)     fluid (1)     infection (3)     tight skin (1)     wart-like growths (1)     oedema (1)    

Health care associated infections (HCAIs)

Last updated on Friday, April 20, 2018

HCAIs are infections acquired as a result of healthcare interventions. Infections caused by the bacteria Clostridium difficile (C.difficile) and Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have previously been considered to be the most common, however great results have been achieved in red...

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Tag:   HCAI (1)     MRSA (3)     cDiff (2)     c.difficile (1)     lungs (4)     skin (8)     blood poisoning (1)    

Medical Education & Training

Last updated on Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Wirral Hospital has successful history within the field of Medical Education. We offer a comprehensive Foundation Programme, where trainees have the opportunity to work in a wide number of specialities including GP placements. We at Wirral are pleased to announce that we have signed the Excellen...

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Tag:   medical (3)     training (8)     learning (8)     skills (4)     tutor (1)     clinical (8)    

Ward 12 at Arrowe Park

Last updated on Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wirral Hospital's Orthopaedic team are fortunate enough to be one of the few in the North West to have elective inpatient beds that are ring fenced for Orthopaedic elective use only. This has been recommended by the British Orthopaedic Association to reduce the number of cancelled elective operat...

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Tag:   ward 12 (2)     arrowe park (11)     orthopaedic (5)     sports injury (4)     wards (3)    

Training and Induction

Last updated on Wednesday, March 22, 2023

We want our volunteers to fulfil their potential and make a difference to our patients and staff, which is why our training programme is so important. As part of your on-boarding you will take part in a Trust Welcome Day and be given the tools to access Mandatory Training which will include Da...

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Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care

Last updated on Thursday, June 13, 2024

How can the Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care Department help me? We are here to help you whether you are a patient, visitor or staff. If you are struggling with an issue or significant life event we are here to offer comfort, emotional and spiritual support for you and your family. We are here t...

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Tag:   church (1)     chaplaincy (1)     chaplain (2)     support (25)     religion (6)     faith (4)     welfare (1)     volunteer (11)