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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "i have a porter cable 20 v rapid charger. how do i get the battery out to charge it"

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Last updated on Monday, April 9, 2018

Medicines For Children leaflets cover many of the medicines that are prescribed or recommended to children by children’s doctors (paediatricians), pharmacists or nurses.  They answer your questions, including: Why does your child need to take the medicine? When do you need to give the medicine?...

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Who we are

Last updated on Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Who we are Team led by Rev Malcolm Cowan (Lead Chaplain). Contact number - Tel 0151 678 5111 x 2275 The chaplaincy and spiritual care department is also assisted by a team of volunteers who visit patients in the wards offering a listening ear and comfort.                   They will also be ab...

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Tag:   chaplain (2)     god (3)     service (3)     methodist (1)     reformed (1)     catholic (1)     christian (1)     sikh (1)     muslim (1)     hindu (1)     protestant (1)    

Home Oxygen Therapy

Last updated on Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Home oxygen is prescribed for patients who have low levels of oxygen in the blood (hypoxia) which is a symptom of many lung conditions, some heart conditions and occasionally other more rare conditions.  The oxygen helps protect vital organs (for example, the heart, the kidneys, the brain, etc.)...

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Tag:   Oxygen Therapy (3)     lung (10)     breath (2)     breathe (4)     Pulmonary Rehabilitation (5)     hypoxia (1)    

What happens at the PR exercise classes?

Last updated on Saturday, February 24, 2018

Pulmonary Rehabilitation classes are welcoming and friendly. Each session is led by a specialist physiotherapist who is happy to answer any questions you may have. Everything will be explained and demonstrated so that you feel comfortable and safe. At all times during the exercise you are monitor...

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Tag:   exercise (3)     PR (8)     lung (10)     oxygen (9)     Oxygen Therapy (3)     Pulmonary (10)    

Cheshire and Merseyside Surgical Centre treats over 5,000 patients

Last updated on Thursday, July 18, 2024

The new Cheshire and Merseyside Surgical Centre at Clatterbridge has treated over 5,000 patients – cutting waiting times for those requiring planned surgery. Patients in Wirral and across the region who require planned surgery are advised that they have the option to choose to have their procedu...

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The difference between chronic and acute pain

Last updated on Wednesday, January 8, 2025

What is the difference between chronic / persistent pain and acute pain?  Acute pain describes pain that comes for a short while and then clears up (normally around 3 months) once the injury is healed. It is a warning sign that our nervous system generates in response to a perceived threat (e.g....

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Remember: A&E is for emergencies and life threatening illnesses only

Last updated on Thursday, April 19, 2018

When you're unwell, sometimes choosing the right service to help treat you can feel confusing or worrying. No one wants to waste NHS resources, so knowing who to see in order to help you can be useful, especially at a time when you're feeling poorly. Below are the services you have to choose from...

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Tag:   nhs (3)     emergency (12)     options (1)     services (4)     pharmacy (5)     GP (5)     walk in (1)     walk-in (2)     a&e (4)     self medication (1)     home care (9)    

Interstitial Cystitis Clinics

Last updated on Thursday, April 19, 2018

This service is available to both men and women who suffer from Interstitial Cystitis. This condition is diagnosed by a Consultant urologist and treatment is then arranged by the Urology Nurse Practitioners. We have four clinics per week allowing for patient choice when is most suitable. Treatm...

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Tag:   cystitis (3)     urologist (2)     urology (4)     urea (3)     bladder (6)     function (2)