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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

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Page results

Cancer Research

Last updated on Friday, May 24, 2024

Research is vital in order to provide evidence to improve treatment for patients within our care.  We ask suitable patients to participate in different types of research. The types of research can vary from a clinical trial (to test a new drug or to test a licensed drug in a different way), to as...

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Who we are

Last updated on Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Who we are Team led by Rev Malcolm Cowan (Lead Chaplain). Contact number - Tel 0151 678 5111 x 2275 The chaplaincy and spiritual care department is also assisted by a team of volunteers who visit patients in the wards offering a listening ear and comfort.                   They will also be ab...

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Tag:   chaplain (2)     god (3)     service (3)     methodist (1)     reformed (1)     catholic (1)     christian (1)     sikh (1)     muslim (1)     hindu (1)     protestant (1)    

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Last updated on Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) is an exercise and education programme for patients diagnosed with a chronic respiratory condition. The programme is run by specialist physiotherapists, but additional support is provided by respiratory nurses and dietitians during the education sessions. PR is widel...

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Tag:   Pulmonary (10)     Rehabilitation (1)     lung (10)     disease (4)     breathing (5)     dietitians (1)     respiratory (5)     chronic (1)    

CT Scans - Computerised Tomography

Last updated on Friday, June 22, 2018

A CT scan is carried out using a special x-ray machine. It produces a cross-section (or slice) of the body. The scanner consists of a ‘doughnut-shaped’ structure which you pass through. This is called a gantry. A narrow beam of x-rays is produced from the gantry which passes through the body. Im...

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Tag:   CT (3)     scan (10)     x-ray (13)     x ray (6)     xray (7)     scanner (2)     tomography (2)     abdomen (2)     cardiac (3)     heart (3)     head (2)     neck (4)     chest (5)     paediatric (5)     vascular (1)     colonoscopy (2)    

Making arrangements

Last updated on Monday, October 5, 2020

General advice Let your relatives/friends/neighbours know when your surgery is taking place Nominate a family member or friend to be your carer for when you return home Check your diary and cancel any appointments Inform your place of work If you receive regular support at home from Social...

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Admissions to Clatterbridge Hospital

Last updated on Monday, October 5, 2020

Your day will start in either the Leverhulme Day Surgery unit, Ward M2 Surgery or M2 Orthopaedics. Your admission letter will state what time you should arrive and where to go. After you have registered you will wait in the reception area and you will be taken into the unit/ward. You will be see...

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Going to the operating theatre

Last updated on Monday, October 5, 2020

You may wait for some time from your arrival to when you are taken to theatre. It is important to remain warm during as this can reduce the risk of infection. The hospital provide a thin gown which you will wear during the operation. You should bring a dressing gown as the hospital may be cooler...

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