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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "where do you get a dog license in stamford, ct."

649 pages found in the Patients and Visitors website ...  Showing 649 pages.

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What happens if you have symptoms

Last updated on Wednesday, April 29, 2020

If you have found something that worries you and you have received your screening invitation, attend the invitation and inform the radiographer of your concerns.  If you have not received your invitation arrange to see your GP who will decide whether or not you need to be referred for further inv...

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Cardiology (Heart)

Last updated on Thursday, June 13, 2024

What we do If you are a patient of our Cardiology Service, you may have been referred to us by your GP or you may have come through our Emergency Department Common heart problems include angina, myocardial infarction, heart failure and arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation or bradycardia. We...

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Tag:   heart (3)     cardiology (2)     bypass (1)     attack (1)     diagnostic (3)     echo (1)     echocardiogram (1)     cardiac (3)     coronary (1)     atrial (1)     Angiography (1)     angina (1)     transthoracic (1)     chest pain (3)    

What happens when you arrive

Last updated on Monday, October 5, 2020

You will be greeted by the receptionist in the Pre-Operative Assessment Unit who will check your details are correct. You will then be asked to fill in a health questionnaire, and the nursing staff will go through your answers with you to determine whether further assessment is required. Tests:...

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