
Information about visiting is shown below.
- Visiting on wards is from 2pm to 7pm, with the exception of Ward 32 and Critical Care.
- Critical Care Unit is strictly two visitors for one hour per day which needs to pre-booked with the unit (please see the Critical Care section of this website for further details).
- Ward 32 visiting times are 2pm to 5 pm and 6pm to 7pm. Strictly 2 visitors at the bedside.
- Visiting times will be flexed for patients with dementia or a learning disability or for those who are poorly. Carer’s passports are available from the ward. Please ask a member of staff.
- Two visitors are allowed per patient at any one time.
- For most wards there is no need to book a visit, however please check with the ward as there are some wards where booking may apply.
- Please note that visiting by children is at the discretion of the Ward Manager.
Important! Please help protect our patients from infections.
- Please always clean your hands as you enter and leave the ward or department.
- Always wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet as most alcohol gel does not kill C.diff, a type of gut infection which spreads through spores in poo. Link here to watch a short information video on C.diff.
- Mask wearing is recommended in areas that are determined to be high risk of respiratory illness, so you may be asked wear a mask when visiting some wards.
Please don’t visit if you have been unwell.
- If you’ve had diarrhoea and/or vomiting, wait for 3 days after your symptoms settle.
- If you’ve had flu, COVID-19 or other respiratory symptoms, wait at least 5 days from the start of your symptoms and only come in if you are now feeling better.
Thank you for helping to keep our patients safe.
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Clatterbridge Site Car Park,
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Clatterbridge Site Car Park