
Colposcopy is a detailed examination of the cervix using a special microscope called a colposcope. It is required as part of the NHS Cervical Screening Programme to investigate women who have had abnormal cervical smears and to help decide if treatment is needed.
Most women who have an abnormal smear will not develop cervical cancer, and the colposcopic examination helps to identify the women who are at high risk and arrange for them to be treated before the abnormality becomes serious.
The unit also sees women who have been noted to have an abnormality or abnormal symptoms of the cervix, vagina or vulva.
If you have an abnormal smear then you should receive an appointment automatically from the screening laboratory. For other problems your GP or nurse will refer you directly and an appointment will be sent out to you. We regret that you will not be able to refer yourself.
Once we have received the colposcopy referral from your GP or clinic, you will receive details of your appointment within three to five days.
Your referral details are seen by a doctor who will then decide how soon you need an appointment, depending on the degree of abnormality and other factors in your medical history.
For urgent cases you will be seen within two weeks; ‘soon’ cases within two to four weeks; and routine cases within four and six weeks.
If you have any queries about being referred to the Colposcopy Unit, please contact the clerks on 0151 604 7775.