Healthy Wirral Partners

Delivering successful change across Wirral is entirely dependent on all of our partners working together. The Healthy Wirral programme continues to build partnerships with people and organisations that are focused on improving health and wellbeing for people in Wirral.
The Healthy Wirral partnership is chaired independently by David Eva who has extensive experience of working across health partnerships and having worked at Board level in the NHS as Non-Executive Director and Chair for over 20 years.. The Senior Responsible Officer for the programme is Simon Banks, who is the Chief Officer of Wirral Health and Care Commissioning.
Simon Banks, Chief officer of Wirral Health and Care Commissioning
David Eva, Healthy Wirral Independent Chair
It would be impossible to list all our partners, but key organisations who have committed to this programme include:
Wirral Health and Care Commissioning
Wirral Council
Wirral University Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust
Primary Care Wirral GP Federation
GP-Wirral Federation
Community Action Wirral
Healthwatch Wirral