Dementia Care

Making a difference in dementia, the dementia strategy was successfully launched in March 2015 with focused actions underpinning our values and beliefs for patients with dementia and their carers:
- Endeavour to meet all the expectations set out in the Dementia Strategy
- Ensure all their colleagues on their ward/department are aware of the Strategy and its expectations
- Support their colleagues in the delivery of these expectations
- Ensure that appropriate training and awareness has been undertaken
Be inspired to;
- Help people living with dementia maintain independence for as long as possible
- Enable people living with dementia to live life to the full
- Make sure families and carers feel cared for & supported too
- Ensure end of life care is the best it can be
You can view and download the following dementia documents below:
- Making a difference in dementia
- Dementia Strategy Pledge
- Prime Minister Challenge of 2020
Keeping Carers Informed
- If you’d like to get involved, you can sign up at & click on ‘Join tide’.
- Details of our latest work can be found in the news section here
- Additional information about changes in legislation or policy are communicated to carers & former carers. Members can receive this information via the newsletter
- Information from partner organisations is featured on our website
Keeping Carers Connected
- Join our private peer support group on Facebook here: Facebook Group
- We have a Whatsapp group to connect & support BAME carers in Rochdale. For further information or to join this group, please click here
- Join in with our Zoom Grow & Glow sessions on Tuesdays from 2.00 - 3.00pm. In these sessions, you will have the opportunity to connect with other carers, find new coping strategies & improve your well-being. Email Beau for a list of topics & to book on.
- Take part in our Zoom Coffee & Connect sessions on Wednesdays from 10.30 - 11.30 am. Please email Beau for the link to join.
- We will continue to share the experiences of carers through our social media channels & website. If you would like to share your experiences please do so on our Facebook & Twitter
- Talk to Sarah (Carer Involvement Lead for Merseyside & Cheshire). She will be very happy to talk you through what we do, answer any questions, & generally keep in touch. She can be contacted on: 07704 168867 or

Hopefully you’ve already heard about Dementia Action Week’s Dining4Dementia. This is a new and exciting opportunity for people with dementia during the first weekend of Dementia Action Week (Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 May). Leading restaurants across the UK are uniting with the Alzheimer's Society to give people with dementia the chance to volunteer for a short shift, front of house, in their restaurants.
The aim is to promote inclusion and help Alzheimer’s Society raise awareness that with the right support and small adjustments, many people living with dementia can contribute and be included in the workplace and lead they lives they choose.
All participants will be provided with training by the restaurants taking part in Dementia Action Week’s Dining4Dementia and supported by a buddy (a member of staff or formal volunteer).
The Alzheimer's Society are supporting the restaurants to become more dementia-friendly, and they have developed a free online dementia training course for restaurant staff and a PDF guide, with tips on what small adjustments can be made and how to best support people with dementia taking part. To find out more about Dementia Action Week’s Dining4Dementia and/or volunteer to take part, please email
The nearest participating restaurant to Wirral University Teaching Hospital is:
Pie Minister, 31 Bold Street, Liverpool, L1 4DN.
Please help in recruiting volunteers to take part and make the campaign a success! Do you know someone living with dementia who you think would be interested, if so, please speak to about it over the next few days and pass on their details to the Dining4Dementia team who are happy to help and will answer any questions.
Further information about Dining4Dementia can be found here.
Personalised care planning

Every patient with dementia has a dementia care bundle, this means they receive personalised nursing care to ensure that all appropriate assessments and care is given. The symbol at the top of this page is known as the Dementia Forget Me Not symbol, and is used on the patient information board on all wards to identify people with dementia.
You can view and download all the following dementia documents at the foot of the page.
- Dementia Care Bundle
- 'This Is Me' document is given to every patient with a diagnosis of dementia
- Forget Me Not card is used on patient's locker for all members of staff to identify patient with dementia.
- Information for patients and carers
- Information for staff
- Dementia care in the Emergency Dept - This is also used in AMU and OPD
Support for Carers
The Trust values the importance of carers of people with dementia. We acknowledge that carers know their loved ones best and should be listened to. There is a carers pack which informs you of what to expect in the hospital signposting for support for carers and person with dementia. Included in the pack are as follows:
- Communicating fact sheet
- Supporting carers, family and friends of people with dementia
There is a carers questionnaire included in the pack. If you have had experience of the hospital and wish to complete a questionnaire please click here.
Staff from the hospital, WIRED and AGE UK are available every Thursday 2pm - 3pm in the memory cafe situated outside ward 27 on the second floor of Arrowe Park Hospital.
John's Campaign has been implemented on wards 21, 22, 27 and M2 Rehab for the right to stay with patients with dementia in hospital. See details in the document below.
Carer's of people with dementia are welcome on these wards. If you are a carer, we would like to work in partnership with you - see My Carer's Passport below for details.
Dementia Care Documents
- Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia 2020 Modified: 20/04/2018 1:58PM | Download:
Personalised care planning
- Dementia Care Bundle Checklist Modified: 20/04/2018 1:25PM | Download:
- This Is Me Booklet Modified: 20/04/2018 1:25PM | Download:
- Using the Forget Me Not Symbol: Information For Patients and Carers Modified: 20/04/2018 1:26PM | Download:
- Using the Forget Me Not Symbol: Information for Staff Modified: 20/04/2018 1:27PM | Download:
- Dementia Care in the Emergency Department Special Considerations Modified: 20/04/2018 1:28PM | Download:
Support for Carers
- Alzheimer's Society Advice on Communicating With Dementia Patients Modified: 20/04/2018 1:24PM | Download:
- Supporting Carers Pack for Family and Friends of People with Dementia Modified: 20/04/2018 1:23PM | Download:
- John’s Campaign: for the right to stay with people with dementia in hospital Modified: 20/04/2018 1:21PM | Download:
- Reminiscence work at WUTH Modified: 03/04/2019 10:47AM | Download: