Media Relations

Media relations for the Trust is handled by the Communications and Marketing team.
We try extremely hard to facilitate prompt and accurate responses to queries we receive from the media.
Journalists (including photographers and film-makers) wishing to come on to any of the sites owned by Wirral University Teaching Hospital must seek permission in advance.
During working hours (which are normally Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm), enquiries should be directed to the team via 0151 482 7897.
The general email address for the team is
All out of hours urgent media enquiries should be directed to the on-call executive through the main switchboard (0151 678 5111).
Condition checks
We operate a strict ruling on patient condition checks for the media. Condition checks will only be given if the patient in question, their legal guardian (if under 16) or the patients’ next of kin (if unconscious) is granted. We use a standard scale of a one word response for patient condition checks for example ‘critical’ or ‘stable’. We cannot enter into discussions however about the health of any of our patients. We also reserve the right not to give out any information if a patient or family ask us not to do so.
Sales calls
Please note that we will not take direct sales calls. If you wish to contact us to showcase your services relevant to the Communications and Marketing team, please email