Breast cancer

The Wirral Breast Clinic is located at the Clatterbridge Hospital main site, as part of Wirral University Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust.
We offer a comprehensive range of services including breast screening; rapid access to diagnostic tests; breast surgery and family history assessment, in a supportive and friendly environment.
We focus on the care of patients who present with breast symptoms following referral by their GP or another speciality. We treat people with both breast cancer and non-cancerous issues.
Following referral into the service, you will be seen in our Triple Assessment Clinic. At this appointment you will be offered a combination of tests and examinations to determine a diagnosis.
This may involve a biopsy which will be offered on the day if required. An appointment will be given to receive these results.
Wirral Breast Centre offers a full range of breast surgery, on site at Clatterbridge Hospital, including breast conserving, oncoplastic and reconstruction. We also work closely with Whiston Hospital who can provide more complex reconstructive surgery options if needed.
Following surgery, you will be seen by our wound team, at the breast clinic, who will manage all wound care, including dressings. The wound care clinic is appointment-based and is available Monday to Friday.
There are a team of Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS’s) within the Breast Care Unit who work as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) to provide specialist support and advice for patients. They may sometimes be referred to as your keyworker. The CNS team will be available to support you during your clinic appointment/s and can also be contacted directly, by telephone and / or the patient portal, regarding any of your concerns. CNS’s are able to manage the individual needs of their patients, and carers, as required through the delivery of personalised care; this includes the assessment of individual needs (Holistic Needs Assessment), care planning and delivery of Health & Well-being events.
The breast team work closely with the oncology team at Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust to deliver individualised treatment.
Clinical trials may be discussed with you as part of your treatment plan.
You will be provided with the contact details for the services should you require further support.