Learning Disability and Autism

Do you have a patient with learning disabilities who is coming into the Arrowe Park Hospital or Clatterbridge Hospital?
Learning Disability and Autism Nurse
Welcome to Wirral University Teaching Hospital's Learning Disabilities and Autism Team page. Here you will find out about how our service can aid patients coming into hospital with learning disabilities.
We are committed to ensuring that all our patients are treated equally and are here to help you every step of the way.
At WUTH if you have a learning disability or autism we will aim to:
- Offer support to patients, families and carers whilst they are in hospital
- Promote and increase awareness of the needs of patients with learning disabilities and autism across the trust.
- Support with patient’s accessing planned care, for example surgical procedures
- Ensure reasonable adjustments are identified and facilitated to patients, families and carers if required.
- Work in partnership with community services, care providers
- Support with the use of accessible information
- Ensure patients with learning disabilities are safeguarded
- Deliver learning disability and autism training to hospital staff
You can get in touch with us by telephone at 0151 604 7096, or email us at wih-tr.WUTHSafeguarding@nhs.net.
Cancer Red Flag Symptoms by People First Merseyside
Reasonable Adjustments
Health and care services are legally required to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for people with learning disabilities under the Equality Act (2010) which promotes equal access to healthcare for people with learning disabilities.
WUTH are committed to raising awareness of reasonable adjustments.
Easy health was designed to support people with providing patients ‘accessible’ health information. ‘Accessible’ information is information that uses easy words with pictures.
Please see related links to the left hand side of this page to access the 'easyhealth' website.
Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) Programme
The Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) Programme is a world-first. It is the first national programme of its kind aimed at making improvements to the lives of people with learning disabilities. Reviews are being carried out with a view to improve the standard and quality of care for people with learning disabilities. People with learning disabilities, their families and carers have been central to developing and delivering the programme.
How to notify a death
Please see the Notify Death Flyer under related links to the left hand side of this page.
Please see the Link to Notify under related links to the left hand side of this page.
WUTH and the Treat Me Well campaign
We are signed up for the Treat me well, the campaign has been set up by a learning disability charity ‘Mencap’ which aims to transform how health services treats people with a learning disability accessing hospitals.
Mencap vision is a world where people with a learning disability are valued equally, listened to and included. The challenge, alongside people with a learning disability and their families, is to make this world a reality. We support this vision at WUTH
We celebrated learning disability awareness week In June 2019 at Arrowe Park Hospital and meet regularly with Wirral Mencap Treat me well group.
Please see the related links section to the left hand side of the page to find out more about the 'Treat me well campaign'.