How to prepare for your mammogram

Please read all the information sent to you regarding your appointment
Click here to access the Breast screening: helping women decide - GOV.UK ( leaflet in larger print or different languages.
What to wear
In order to preserve your dignity, please wear trousers/skirt and a top rather than a dress. Many deodorants and moisturisers contain particles which show up on the mammogram so please avoid these on the day of your appointment.
If you have breast implants or mobility problems you can still have a mammogram but it may take a little longer. Please Contact Us | Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust ( to be given an appropriate length appointment.
Breast Implants
Information regarding having a mammogram if you have breast implants can be found under the tab ‘Breast Implants’ on the left hand side.
Breast implants and breast screening - GOV.UK (
You can still have a mammogram if you have a pacemaker. Please inform the radiographer performing the mammogram so that she knows to adjust the x-ray equipment to make you as comfortable as possible and avoid pressure on the pacemaker or wires.
Please read/access online all the information sent to you regarding your appointment.