How Much is Too Much?

Remember drink sensibly and if..."You wouldn't sober, you shouldn't drunk!"
In 2016 government recommendations brought the consumption of alcohol by men into line with recommended levels for women. The current suggested level of alcohol for both men and women is 14 units of alcohol per week, but spread out over the week and not 'saved up' for one or two nights drinking.
Alcohol Units
A unit is approximately, 1/2 pint of ordinary strength beer, (lager, bitter etc at 3.6% ABV or less), one small glass (125mls) of 8% ABV wine or a single measure (25mls) of 40% ABV spirits. If you look at the back of a bottle or can containing alcohol, you will see a picture of a bottle or a can with a number in it. That number indicates the number of units contained in that drink. For the mathematically minded there is a formula for working out the number of units in a drink:
Volume of Drink in Millilitres x %ABV of the Drink ÷ 1000 = Number of Units of Alcohol
If you access the Drinkaware website you can find many resources concerning alcohol from tests to determine how risky your drinking is, to drinks calorie counting!