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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "CT"

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CT Scans - Computerised Tomography

Last updated on Friday, June 22, 2018

A CT scan is carried out using a special x-ray machine. It produces a cross-section (or slice) of the body. The scanner consists of a ‘doughnut-shaped’ structure which you pass through. This is called a gantry. A narrow beam of x-rays is produced from the gantry which passes through the body. Im...

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Tag:   CT (3)     scan (10)     x-ray (13)     x ray (6)     xray (7)     scanner (2)     tomography (2)     abdomen (2)     cardiac (3)     heart (3)     head (2)     neck (4)     chest (5)     paediatric (5)     vascular (1)     colonoscopy (2)    

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