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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "cardiac"

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Page results

Advanced Life Support (ALS)

Last updated on Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Resuscitation Council (UK) Advanced Life Support (ALS) course was launched 1993. It is a standardised national course teaching evidence-based resuscitation guidelines and skills to healthcare professionals in the United Kingdom. The ALS course has also been adopted by the European Resuscitati...

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Tag:   ALS (1)     ERC (1)     Resuscitation (5)     CPR (2)     cardiac (3)    

Cardiology (Heart)

Last updated on Thursday, June 13, 2024

What we do If you are a patient of our Cardiology Service, you may have been referred to us by your GP or you may have come through our Emergency Department Common heart problems include angina, myocardial infarction, heart failure and arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation or bradycardia. We...

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Tag:   heart (3)     cardiology (2)     bypass (1)     attack (1)     diagnostic (3)     echo (1)     echocardiogram (1)     cardiac (3)     coronary (1)     atrial (1)     Angiography (1)     angina (1)     transthoracic (1)     chest pain (3)    

CT Scans - Computerised Tomography

Last updated on Friday, June 22, 2018

A CT scan is carried out using a special x-ray machine. It produces a cross-section (or slice) of the body. The scanner consists of a ‘doughnut-shaped’ structure which you pass through. This is called a gantry. A narrow beam of x-rays is produced from the gantry which passes through the body. Im...

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Tag:   CT (3)     scan (10)     x-ray (13)     x ray (6)     xray (7)     scanner (2)     tomography (2)     abdomen (2)     cardiac (3)     heart (3)     head (2)     neck (4)     chest (5)     paediatric (5)     vascular (1)     colonoscopy (2)    

Steve Ryan, Non-Executive Director

Last updated on Monday, July 4, 2022

    Steve Ryan held the post of Consultant Paediatrician and specialised mainly in general paediatrics but included specialty work in his clinical career.  He spent some time in academic practice - his main research interests being in nutrition of premature babies and headaches in children....

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Immediate Life Support (ILS) course

Last updated on Friday, November 22, 2019

e-ILS - Immediate Life Support e-learning The Resuscitation Council (UK) Immediate Life Support (ILS) course was launched in 2002. It was developed in response to a demand from healthcare professionals who may have to act as first responders and treat patients in cardiac arrest until the arrival...

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Tag:   first responders (1)     life support (3)     ILS (1)     CPR (2)     defibrillation (1)     re-certification (1)    

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