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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "drugs"

14 pages found in the Patients and Visitors website ...  Showing 14 pages.

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About Drugs

Last updated on Monday, August 20, 2018

Classes of Drugs Stimulants - drugs that stimulate the central nervous system. Typically, an individual under the influence of a stimulant may be talkative, appear confident, appear to have lots of energy, have difficulty resting and be 'on the go'. Examples include amphetamine, cocaine powder (...

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Tag:   drug (4)     addict (1)     addiction (3)     abuse (3)     user (2)     LSD (1)     Ecstasy (1)     speed (1)     herion (1)     cocaine (1)     coke (1)     lysergic (1)     acid (1)     hallucinogens (1)     DMT (1)     magic mushroom (1)     ketamin (1)     benzodiazepine (1)     cannabis (1)     weed (1)     high (1)     crack (1)     smack (1)    

Pharmacy at APH

Last updated on Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A Lloyd’s Pharmacy is located between our Emergency Department and the All Day Health Centre. The telephone umber for the pharmacy is 0151 677 6449. Opening Times Monday - 08:30 - 22:00 Tuesday - 08:30 - 22:00 Wednesday - 08:30 - 22:00 Thursday - 08:30 - 22:00 Friday - 08:30 - 22:00 Satu...

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Tag:   pharmacy (5)     chemist (3)     drugs (1)     pills (1)     tablets (1)     medicine (5)     prescription (2)     pharmacist (1)     convenience (5)     advice (8)    

During your operation

Last updated on Monday, November 30, 2020

Giving you drugs to prevent sickness after surgery Considering the best ways of giving pain relief during the operation  Using local anaesthetic blocks or regional anaesthetics where possible

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Clinical Biochemistry

Last updated on Wednesday, January 15, 2025

This service tests body fluids such as blood and urine. These fluids are examined for the presence of various compounds such as hormones, proteins, enzymes and drugs. This helps in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases such as diabetes, liver disease and heart problems.We offer a wi...

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Tag:   Clinical Biochemistry (1)     biochemistry (1)     blood (10)     urine (4)     cholesterol (1)     diabetes (14)     liver (4)     hormones (3)    


Last updated on Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Intravenous sedation is the most common form of sedation and is the use of drugs through a cannula in a vein (a drip) to make you feel less anxious and it will often make you drowsy or sleepy. The drugs may actually make you sleep and the drugs can make you forget what has happened. Other ways of...

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Advice following a general anaesthetic

Last updated on Monday, November 30, 2020

Anaesthetic drugs remain in the body for 24 hours and gradually wear off during this time therefore your judgement and natural reactions which ensure your safety will not be as quick as usual. Only leave the unit when you have been discharged by the nurse to be accompanied home by a responsible a...

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Last updated on Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Wirral University Teaching Hospital Anaesthetic department has been recognised again for providing the highest standards of patient care. The department has received the prestigious Anaesthesia Clinical Services Accreditation (ACSA) from the Royal College of Anaesthetists for a second time in 20...

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Tag:   Anaesthetics (1)     general (1)     local (3)     Anaesthethesia (1)     pain (4)     pain relief (1)    

Day case journey

Last updated on Monday, November 30, 2020

After your procedure, you will be taken from theatre into the recovery area where a nurse will look after you until you are not too sleepy and also fairly pain free. The anaesthetist will have given you painkillers and anti-sickness medication during surgery to ensure that you are comfortable af...

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