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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "injured"

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Children’s Emergency Department

Last updated on Monday, April 9, 2018

What We Do The Children’s Emergency Department is based at Arrowe Park Hospital. A dedicated team of doctors, nurses and support staff from both Emergency Care and Paediatrics work together in the department caring for children with a wide range of injuries and illness. The children attend the d...

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Tag:   child (12)     children (16)     health (12)     emergency (12)     A&E (6)     infant (6)     injury (5)     injured (2)     hurt (1)     accient (1)    

Children's Health

Last updated on Thursday, April 19, 2018

Children who are ill, and are referred to us by their GP or Walk-in Centre, are seen in our Children's Emergency Department at Arrowe Park Hospital. The department can call on the expertise of doctors and nurses throughout the hospital to assess and treat ill and injured children.

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Children's Services

Last updated on Friday, March 1, 2019

What We Do Children who are ill, and are referred to us by their GP or Walk-in Centre, are seen in our Children's Emergency Department at Arrowe Park Hospital. The department can call on the expertise of doctors and nurses throughout the hospital to assess and treat ill and injured children. Ch...

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Tag:   Child (1)     children (16)     baby (6)     babies (5)     infants (1)     toddler (2)     health (12)     childhood (1)    

Hospital and Outpatient Clinics

Last updated on Monday, April 9, 2018

Children who are ill and are referred by GP or walk in centre are seen in the Children's Emergency Department. This department sees children with accidents and emergencies. The department can call on the expertise of doctors and nurses through out the hospital to assess and treat ill and injured...

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Tag:   critical (5)     infant (6)     hospital stay (3)     inpatient (4)     ward (9)     doctor (6)     emergencies (2)    

Foot and ankle

Last updated on Monday, June 17, 2024

Foot and Ankle Pain Most people experience pain in and around their feet or ankles at some point in their lives. It’s one of the most complex, hard-working regions of your body. It has 26 bones and 33 small joints, all held together by a network of soft tissue made up of muscles, tendons, ligam...

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Paediatric Life Support (PLS) course

Last updated on Monday, November 2, 2020

Paediatric Life Support course (ALSG) The PLS course provides the knowledge and skills necessary for the initial recognition, treatment and stabilisation of children with life threatening emergencies, using a structured, sequential approach. The seriously ill and or injured child needs to be...

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Tag:   PILS (1)     BLS (1)     EPALS (1)     APLS (2)     paediatric (5)     immediate (1)     life support (3)    

Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS)

Last updated on Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Advanced Paediatric Life Support is taught, and its principles practised throughout the world. Over 83,000 candidates have completed the course since its inception in 1993. The 3-day APLS course comprises of a flexible one-day on-line component (VLE) and a two-day face-to-face course. Candidates...

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Tag:   Advanced (1)     Paediatric (1)     Life Support (1)     APLS (2)     Emergency Medicine (1)     serious (1)     accident (5)