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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "male"

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Male Lower Urinary Tract Clinic

Last updated on Thursday, April 19, 2018

Working with the Wirral Integrated Continence Service, our Urology Nurse Practitioners offer a male lower urinary tract symptom assessment clinic. There are two weekly clinics held at St Catherine’s Health Centre in Birkenhead and Victoria Central Health Centre in Wallasey. The clinics provide a...

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Tag:   urinary (2)     tract (1)     lower urinary tract (2)     Continence (1)     integrated (1)     urine (4)     incontinence (3)    

International Men's Day Spotlight: Dave Farmer's Impact as a Male Midwife

Last updated on Friday, November 17, 2023

As International Men’s Day approaches, Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH) celebrates the journey and contributions of Dave Farmer, Head of Midwifery, challenging the status quo as a male midwife and paving the way for inclusivity within the field of midwifery.  With less than 200 male mi...

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Fertility Services

Last updated on Thursday, April 19, 2018

The fertility clinic at our Women and Children’s Hospital provides a consultant delivered service for the investigation and treatment of couples with fertility problems. Our aim is to complete investigations in a prompt and timely manner so treatment can start within 6 weeks of initial consultat...

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Tag:   Male (1)     fertility (1)    

Men’s Health

Last updated on Thursday, April 19, 2018

We offer a number of health and treatment services targeting men. If you are looking for generic information on men’s health, you can also visit the NHS Choices website by clicking the link to the left.

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Tag:   men (2)     male (1)     health (12)    

Urology Services

Last updated on Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Urology is a surgical specialty caring for various ailments affecting kidneys, ureter, bladder, prostate and male reproductive organs. The Urology team consists of nine consultants, one associate specialist and three specialist trainees.  They are supported by four Uro-oncology nurses, three spe...

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Tag:   LUTS (1)     UTI (2)     Urinary (1)     Tract (1)     flow (1)     test (9)     stone (1)     uron-oncology (1)     intravesical (1)     catheter (1)     urodynamic (1)     PSA (1)     Antigen (1)     Hematuria (1)     Erectile Dysfunction (1)     lower urinary tract (2)     upper urinary tract (1)     urology (4)    

Admissions to Arrowe Park Hospital

Last updated on Monday, October 5, 2020

Your day will start in the Surgical Elective Admissions Lounge (SEAL). This can be found at the back of the hospital. If you are accessing SEAL by car, please follow the directional signs to the rear of the hospital. We have a drop off point at SEAL but there is no parking. There is limited space...

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Arrowe Park Acute Stroke Unit

Last updated on Friday, January 12, 2018

Each year, an estimated 700 people in the Wirral and Cheshire area will suffer a stroke and be admitted to hospital. Our Stroke patients are brought in through our Emergency Department at Arrowe Park Hospital as emergency cases and are directly admitted to the Acute Stroke Unit on Ward 23. Ward...

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Tag:   stroke (9)     acute (6)     unit (2)     thrombolysis (1)     blood (10)     clot (2)     brain (4)    

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