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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "welfare"

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Page results

Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care

Last updated on Thursday, June 13, 2024

How can the Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care Department help me? We are here to help you whether you are a patient, visitor or staff. If you are struggling with an issue or significant life event we are here to offer comfort, emotional and spiritual support for you and your family. We are here t...

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Tag:   church (1)     chaplaincy (1)     chaplain (2)     support (24)     religion (6)     faith (4)     welfare (1)     volunteer (12)    

Plan for the future of your care with a Lasting Power of Attorney

Last updated on Thursday, October 26, 2023

It is always important to think about planning for the future to give yourself give peace of mind. When considering your health and welfare, lasting powers of attorney (LPAs) ensure you remain in control when it matters most. It’s estimated that by next the year 2040, 9.1 million people will be...

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Undergraduate Medical Students

Last updated on Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Undergraduate Education Centre provides dedicated teaching and study facilities for medical students from the University of Liverpool. Students from the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years are attached to Wirral University Teaching Hospital for varying periods throughout the year. The education progr...

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Tag:   undergraduate (1)     study (7)     learning (8)     education (9)     site map (2)     car park (6)     general information (5)    

Gynae Cancer Services

Last updated on Wednesday, December 27, 2023

All women with a suspected gynaecological cancer who are referred by their GP as an urgent referral will be seen within 2 weeks. The appointment will be with either Ms Pennington’s team in her gynaecology clinic or in the colposcopy, pelvic mass or post menopausal bleeding clinic if this is more...

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Undergraduate Centre

Last updated on Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Our Undergraduate Education Centre provides dedicated teaching and study facilities for medical students from the School of Medical Education at the University of Liverpool. Students from the 2nd, 4th and 5th years are attached to our Trust for varying periods throughout the year. The education p...

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Better than ever care for our cancer patients

Last updated on Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Cancer patients are receiving better care than ever at Wirral University Teaching Hospital according to latest national survey results. People who were in-patients or day cases in April, May and June last year gave feedback on their experience of cancer care at the Trust’s Arrowe Park and Clatte...

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Planned demolition progresses to enable Emergency and Urgent Care Upgrade at Arrowe Park Hospital.

Last updated on Friday, July 1, 2022

The Urgent and Emergency Care Upgrade Programme (UECUP) at Arrowe Park Hospital has progressed to the first phase of enabling works. Early enablement works have now been completed, these included the relocation and redrawing of overflow ambulance bays and disabled car parking spaces, the movemen...

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Document results