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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "can you have intercourse after a uterine biopsy"

794 pages found in the Patients and Visitors website ...  Showing 794 pages.

Page results

Will you need more than one visit?

Last updated on Wednesday, February 19, 2020

You may need multiple visits.  For example, if the orthosis needs to be ordered then you will need to attend a second appointment to have the item fitted.  Sometimes the ordered orthosis will need to be trial fitted and sent back to be completed so you may not receive your finished orthosis until...

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Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS)

Last updated on Monday, November 30, 2020

Enhanced recovery is the name given to a programme that aims to get you back to your normal health as quickly as possible after a major operation. Hospital staff look at all the evidence of what you and they can do before, during and after your surgery to help give you the best chances for a quic...

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I take herbal medicines, should I mention it to the team looking after me?

Last updated on Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Herbal medicines are often thought to be safe as they are ‘natural’. They do however have an effect on the body and can lead to side-effects and so should be used with care. They may interact with your other medicines, medical conditions, or be unsafe if you are undergoing surgery. Always let you...

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Why have I received an appointment for the COPD sessions?

Last updated on Wednesday, April 11, 2018

GPs, practice nurses, community nurses and hospital staff are the main people who will ask us to see patient's with COPD for help and advice.  This will usually be discussed with you before the referral is made. Many patient's with COPD have been admitted to hospital with an exacerbation and the...

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Tag:   appointment (26)     classes (5)     join (1)     register (3)     COPD (7)     lung (10)     breathe (4)     breath (2)    

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