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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "cant we swap usdt to sol on pump fun"

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Plan for the future of your care with a Lasting Power of Attorney

Last updated on Thursday, October 26, 2023

It is always important to think about planning for the future to give yourself give peace of mind. When considering your health and welfare, lasting powers of attorney (LPAs) ensure you remain in control when it matters most. It’s estimated that by next the year 2040, 9.1 million people will be...

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Last updated on Monday, July 10, 2023

Governance is all about how an organisation is directed, controlled and held to account. Good governance ensures that effective structures, systems, policies and procedures are in place to ensure that the organisation is working for the benefit of all and to the highest standards. In the case o...

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Tag:   governance (3)     performance (2)     structure (4)     management (3)    

Children’s Emergency Department

Last updated on Monday, April 9, 2018

What We Do The Children’s Emergency Department is based at Arrowe Park Hospital. A dedicated team of doctors, nurses and support staff from both Emergency Care and Paediatrics work together in the department caring for children with a wide range of injuries and illness. The children attend the d...

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Tag:   child (12)     children (16)     health (12)     emergency (12)     A&E (6)     infant (6)     injury (6)     injured (2)     hurt (1)     accient (1)    


Last updated on Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a term for a group of lung conditions (for example, chronic bronchitis and emphysema) and can lead to damaged, 'obstructed', airways. The symptoms are usually a combination of: Increased breathlessness, especially when moving around Persistent c...

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Tag:   COPD (7)     PR (8)     Pulmonary (10)     oxygen (9)     physiotherapists (3)     bronchitis (1)     emphysema (1)     smoking (3)    

Our Staff

Last updated on Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Nursing Staff The unit is run under the supervision of our ward manager who is responsible for all nursing both on the ward, on the daycare unit and in the outpatient clinics. She is the ‘Clinical Champion’ for the department ensuring the highest standards of nursing care along with a ‘clean and...

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Tag:   dermatology (7)     skin (8)     cancer (21)     Dermatological (1)     premalignant (1)     malignant (1)    

Treatment of lymphoedema

Last updated on Thursday, January 30, 2020

Unfortunately, there is no known cure for lymphoedema, and treatment varies depending on the severity.   Treatment plans will be individually devised and may consist of: skin care, exercise, Simple lymphatic drainage/manual lymphatic drainage, a specialist technique to help with lymph drainage,...

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Wirral and Chester Breast Screening Programme

Last updated on Friday, April 19, 2024

At Wirral and Chester Breast Screening Programme we aim to provide and promote an efficient and effective, high quality breast screening service, to all eligible women, within a caring environment. Breast screening helps healthcare professionals to detect breast cancer at an early stage, which i...

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Therapies and Treatment

Last updated on Thursday, April 12, 2018

Everyone who has had a stroke is entitled to a therapy assessment within 24 hours. We use a range of therapies which all work together to help our patients to achieve their own personal goals. Joint assessments and therapy sessions are provided based on what works best for each individual. Diet...

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Tag:   dietician (2)     therapy (6)     therapist (1)     physiotherapy (4)     assessment (7)     stroke (9)     rehabilitation (9)     speech (2)     language (4)     SLT (1)