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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "how much time are you given for air force waps testing"

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Healthy teeth

Last updated on Thursday, February 21, 2019

Healthy teeth are important as your mouth is a source of bacteria and poor dentistry can also affect your diet.  If you have any problems or if it has been a long time since you have seen your dentist please make an appointment to ensure your teeth are in good condition before your operation.  We...

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Training and Induction

Last updated on Wednesday, March 22, 2023

We want our volunteers to fulfil their potential and make a difference to our patients and staff, which is why our training programme is so important. As part of your on-boarding you will take part in a Trust Welcome Day and be given the tools to access Mandatory Training which will include Da...

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Use NHS 111 Online ahead of bank holiday and industrial action

Last updated on Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Public urged to use NHS 111 Online ahead of bank holiday weekend and busy period of industrial action Health leaders are urging members of the public to use NHS 111 Online for non-emergency healthcare needs ahead of the Easter bank holiday weekend - with subsequent days of industrial action like...

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Inpatient journey

Last updated on Monday, November 30, 2020

You will be taken from theatre into the recovery area, where a nurse will look after you until you are not too sleepy and also fairly pain free. Once back on the ward, there is a patient information folder at each bedside and this will provide you with additional information you will need to kno...

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Volunteers’ Week Spotlight – Brendan Meehan

Last updated on Friday, June 7, 2024

Volunteers’ Week is celebrated nationwide and WUTH is proud to shine a spotlight on one of its most dedicated volunteers, Brendan Meehan – pictured with former Boxing WBC cruiserweight champion and WUTH Charity supporter, Tony Bellew. Brendan's journey as a volunteer began at the onset of the...

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Santa visits Arrowe Park Hospital on grotto bus

Last updated on Friday, December 16, 2022

Santa popped into Arrowe Park Hospital aboard his Stagecoach bus to drop off Christmas presents to the Children’s Ward.  The Stagecoach bus has been transformed into a travelling grotto and has been visiting locations across Wirral in the run up to Christmas, raising funds for the WUTH Charity’s...

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Eamoulds / Taking an Impression

Last updated on Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Taking an impression of the ear is a simple and painless procedure. A small foam block is placed in the ear canal to act as a seal. An impression is then taken by injecting a silicon material into the ear with a special syringe. This is left to set for a few minutes and then removed.   We will...

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Get ready for the day of surgery

Last updated on Monday, November 30, 2020

Your admission letter will detail the time and location of your operation; this can take place at either Arrowe Park Hospital or Clatterbridge Hospital. Please ensure you read this carefully as it contains information which will help to ensure your surgery goes ahead as planned. Please contact u...

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