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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "if a patient undergoes a head injury you should call 911 immediately."

799 pages found in the Patients and Visitors website ...  Showing 799 pages.

Page results

Arrowe Park Hospital

Last updated on Tuesday, April 11, 2023

If you are a patient or a visitor to Arrowe Park Hospital, this section has useful information included in it. Please choose a subject from the menu on the left to find out more. Arrowe Park Road Upton Wirral CH49 5PE Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust comprises Arrowe Par...

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Tag:   Arrowe Park (2)     hospital (3)     wirral (7)     health (12)     medical (3)     visitor (2)    

Orientation Films

Last updated on Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Endoscopy Video As part of our Patient Experience Strategy Welcome Promise, our patients asked us to provide more information about what to expect when coming into hospital. The Endoscopy video is an informative and reassuring introduction to our hospital's facilities. Our goal is to provide you...

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Tag:   endoscopy (6)     SEAL (4)     surgery (6)     surgical (4)     facilities (8)     video (8)     changing room (1)     waiting area (1)     orientation film (3)    

Inpatient journey

Last updated on Monday, November 30, 2020

You will be taken from theatre into the recovery area, where a nurse will look after you until you are not too sleepy and also fairly pain free. Once back on the ward, there is a patient information folder at each bedside and this will provide you with additional information you will need to kno...

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Contact us

Last updated on Tuesday, July 6, 2021

If you would like any assistance from one of the Chaplains, or Spiritual care coordinators  please contact us on: Before 5pm: 0151 678 5111 and ask for extension 2275. After 5pm (Urgent calls only): Ask switchboard for the on-call chaplaincy or spiritual care coordinator. We are also often at...

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Chapels and spiritual care area

Last updated on Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The chapels and spirituality areas available for everyone and are always open. They provide a quiet space for reflection, prayer or a few minutes break in a busy day. Please feel free to pop in. If they do not have what you need, please give us a call and we will try and assist you. There are ot...

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Tag:   service (3)     religion (6)     relious (1)     support (25)     faith (4)     friend (1)     quiet (1)     peace (3)