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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "mportance of body rotation during the flight of a butterfly. physical review e"

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Local Anaesthetic

Last updated on Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A local anaesthetic is a type of painkilling medication that is used to numb areas of the body during some surgical procedures. You stay awake when you have a local anaesthetic but in some cases the local anaesthetic can be combined with sedation. How does local anaesthetic work? Local anae...

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Improving your fitness for surgery

Last updated on Monday, July 6, 2020

Having surgery puts stress on your body.  There are ways that we can help you prepare for this.  Following some simple steps will help to reduce your chance of complications and improve your chances of being healthy and well during and after surgery, as well as your long-term health. Taking an a...

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Michalina Bocho, Senior Biomedical Scientist

Last updated on Tuesday, February 11, 2025

I love science because it doesn’t care about gender, religion or race. That’s the best part of it. You’re just doing the same job as everyone else. The blood sciences team is at the heart of healthcare, because 80% of patient diagnoses are supported by laboratory findings. We provide critical su...

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Generic Instructor Course (GIC)

Last updated on Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Generic Instructor Course (GIC) is a standardised national course teaching the principles of adult learning and is a joint collaboration between the Resuscitation Council (UK) and the Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG). A revised course including an e-learning component was launched in 2014....

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Tag:   GIC (1)     LMS (1)     instructor (1)     Resuscitation (5)     ALSG (1)    

Clinical Supervision for registered nurses and allied health professionals

Last updated on Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Clinical Supervision can make a major contribution to how we provide high quality and safe care. Clinical Supervision encompasses all of the values and behaviours related to embedding the 6 C's; Care, Compassion, Competence, Communication, Courage and Commitment and will also support registered n...

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Use NHS 111 Online ahead of bank holiday and industrial action

Last updated on Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Public urged to use NHS 111 Online ahead of bank holiday weekend and busy period of industrial action Health leaders are urging members of the public to use NHS 111 Online for non-emergency healthcare needs ahead of the Easter bank holiday weekend - with subsequent days of industrial action like...

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Last updated on Wednesday, February 20, 2019

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a pre-registration pharmacist at Wirral University Teaching Hospital. I feel that the quality of training is very high and that the format of the year works well, giving you more responsibility as the year goes on. As a pre-registration pharmacist you get to s...

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