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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "obesity inhibits fracture healing in patients"

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Your appointment

Last updated on Friday, June 22, 2018

Every effort is made to see patients at their appointment time but unfortunately this is not always possible. Delays in clinic can occur but our staff should be able to tell you the reason. Everyone is seen in order of their appointment time and not in order of arrival. If you need to have any d...

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Tag:   appointment (26)     catherine's (1)     catherines (1)     st catherine's (3)     booking (14)     clinic (22)     attend (5)     attendance (2)     prepare (5)    

DME at Arrowe Park Hospital

Last updated on Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Arrowe Park Hospital has acute Medicine for the Elderly beds on four wards and, in addition, a 26 bed Acute Stroke Unit. There are two general rehabilitation wards for older people consisting of a total of 40 to 43 beds, and an active Orthogeriatric Liaison Service. The department also hosts an e...

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Tag:   elderly (3)     older (2)     age (5)     stroke (9)     acute (6)     rehabilitation (9)     Orthogeriatric (1)     Geriatric (1)     winter (1)    


Last updated on Thursday, January 30, 2020

When you are reviewed in the Lymphodema clinic, the clinical nurse specialists will assess your condition and will provide a diagnosis and treatment plan. The assessment will involve taking your past medical history and current medications, so it would be useful to bring your medications with yo...

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Last updated on Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The main inpatient pharmacy is located on the ground floor of Arrowe Park hospital with satellite pharmacies on each floor and also at Clatterbridge hospital to ensure timely access to medicines for all patients. Location Opening hours Contact Arrowe Park outpatient ph...

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Pressure Ulcers

Last updated on Thursday, April 19, 2018

All patients admitted to our organization have a full skin inspection to ensure measures are put in place to prevent skin damage. Pressure ulcers are localised injuries to the skin and/or underlying tissue as a result of pressure. They are sometimes known as bedsores. They can be classified into...

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Tag:   pressure (1)     sore (1)     pressure sore (1)     ulcer (2)     wound (1)     infection (3)     bed sore (1)     skin injury (1)    

Personalised care planning

Last updated on Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Every patient with dementia has a dementia care bundle, this means they receive personalised nursing care to ensure that all appropriate assessments and care is given.  The symbol at the top of this page is known as the Dementia Forget Me Not symbol, and is used on the patient information board o...

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Tag:   dementia (4)     mind (3)     carer (6)     staff (8)     emergency (12)     forget (3)     brain (4)    

Deborah Smith, Chief People Officer

Last updated on Wednesday, November 2, 2022

  Deborah joined WUTH in March 2021, initially as an interim, before being appointed as Chief People Officer in December 2021. Deborah has worked in the NHS for over 10 years, coming through the NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme. Deborah has worked as a Human Resources and Organisational...

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How can the COPD sessions help me?

Last updated on Saturday, February 24, 2018

The COPD nurses based at the service are able to help patients with: Information about their condition Information about inhalers and inhaler technique Information and assessment for nebulisers What to do when a patient has a flare up (exacerbation) and how to spot the early warning signs o...

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Tag:   COPD (7)     Chronic (2)     obstructive (1)     Pulmonary (10)     respiratory (5)     breathe (4)     lung disease (3)