Health Passports

Health Passports
View our health passports video for Carer passports and Health & Wellbeing passport here:
Our Safe Promise Group has been promoting the use of Health Passports in the Trust, don’t miss out on the advantages these passports bring to both patients and caregivers.
The Carer Passport supports staff to honour our carers pledge by acknowledging the patient has a carer in place and values their input. Whilst you are providing carer support at the Trust, we will ask you what support you as a carer may need and will strive to support you or help you find relevant support.
This may include:
• Ensuring the patient’s discharge planning takes your needs and abilities into account
• Opportunity for training and education to help you prepare for discharge and become confident in new or complex care cases
• Review the possibility of staying overnight if requested
We are able to offer you:
• Regular hot drinks on the Ward
• Flexible visiting hours
• Car parking concessions (may be available)
If this sounds like something you would benefit from using and the person you care for comes to one of our WUTH hospitals, please email with your name and postal address, we will send one out to you.
Or please ask a staff member on the Ward on your next visit, they will be able to provide you with a passport and go through it with you.
The aim of this passport is to provide our staff with all necessary information about the patient when they use our hospital services. The information that is supplied will help us to work in partnership with meeting the patient’s needs.
Some of the questions in the passport include:
• How the patient prefers to communicate
• Allergies
• Sensory needs
• Things the patient likes and dislikes
If this sounds like something you would benefit from using, please email with your name and phone number, we will contact our Learning Disability, Dementia and Complex Care Specialist to go through the passport with you.
Additional Documents
照顾者护照 Carer Passport - Simplified Chinese,
Modified: 05/06/2024 2:27PM | Download:
照顾者护照 Carer Passport - Simplified Chinese
Pașaport pentru îngrijitor Carer Passport - Romanian,
Modified: 05/06/2024 2:25PM | Download:
Pașaport pentru îngrijitor Carer Passport - Romanian
Paszport opiekuna Carer Passport - Polish,
Modified: 05/06/2024 2:24PM | Download:
Paszport opiekuna Carer Passport - Polish
پاسپۆرتی چاودێر Carer Passport - Kurdish,
Modified: 05/06/2024 2:23PM | Download:
پاسپۆرتی چاودێر Carer Passport - Kurdish
কেয়ারার পাসপোর্ট Carer Passport - Bengali,
Modified: 05/06/2024 2:21PM | Download:
কেয়ারার পাসপোর্ট Carer Passport - Bengali
Carers Passport,
Modified: 24/01/2024 10:25AM | Download:
Carers Passport
This Is Me My Care Passport,
Modified: 24/01/2024 10:24AM | Download:
This Is Me My Care Passport
Health And Wellbeing Passport,
Modified: 24/01/2024 10:24AM | Download:
Health And Wellbeing Passport