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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "obesity inhibits fracture healing in patients"

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Ward 12 at Arrowe Park

Last updated on Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wirral Hospital's Orthopaedic team are fortunate enough to be one of the few in the North West to have elective inpatient beds that are ring fenced for Orthopaedic elective use only. This has been recommended by the British Orthopaedic Association to reduce the number of cancelled elective operat...

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Tag:   ward 12 (2)     arrowe park (11)     orthopaedic (5)     sports injury (4)     wards (3)    

Parking at Clatterbridge Hospital

Last updated on Friday, December 27, 2024

  As a result of feedback from patients and visitors, and benchmarking against other local trusts in Cheshire and Merseyside, Wirral University Teaching Hospital Trust has changed its car parking tariffs for patients and visitors for the first time since 2016. More spaces are now retained for vi...

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Tag:   parking (11)     charges (1)     fee (2)     carpark (1)     cost (3)     directions (19)     travel (18)     roads (4)    

Media Relations

Last updated on Friday, June 28, 2024

Media relations for the Trust is handled by the Communications and Marketing team.We try extremely hard to facilitate prompt and accurate responses to queries we receive from the media. Journalists (including photographers and film-makers) wishing to come on to any of the sites owned by Wirral U...

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Tag:   Media (1)     communications (3)     press (1)     enquiry (2)     PR (8)    

About the Safe Care We Provide

Last updated on Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Wirral University Teaching hospital is committed to being open and honest with the people who use our services, the wider public and our staff.  NHS organisations have a duty of care to patients’ to ensure nurse staffing levels are adequate and provided by appropriately qualified and experienced...

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Tag:   PROUD (2)     Respect (2)     Patient (3)     ownership (3)     unity (2)     dedication (2)    

Palliative and End of Life Care

Last updated on Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Palliative and End of Life Care is the total care of patients (and their families or carers) who have a life-threatening illness, which is progressing or likely to progress. Here at Wirral University Teaching Hospital, we aim to provide the best possible care for people at the end of their lives...

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Tag:   palliative (2)     end of life care (1)     dying matters (1)     death (2)     palliative care (1)     dying (1)     passing away (1)     terminal (1)    

How It Started

Last updated on Thursday, March 14, 2024

In 2021 the Patient Experience Strategy at Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH) was divided into two main elements: the patient experience vision and the delivery plan. The process began with a kick-off meeting to define the approach for developing the strategy. This was followed by a seri...

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Tag:   vote (1)     voting (1)     patient (16)     Patient Experience Strategy (29)     workshop (2)     staff (8)     board of directors (1)     promise (9)     carers (4)     volunteers (3)    

Gathering Feedback

Last updated on Thursday, March 14, 2024

Gathering Feedback We value the insights and perspectives of our patients, caregivers, volunteers, and staff. To gather feedback, we utilise a variety of channels, including surveys, Friends and Family Test (FFT) cards, social media platforms, our website, email, phone lines, on-site kiosks, and...

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Last updated on Monday, August 16, 2021

Orthoptists diagnose and manage binocular vision and eye movement disorders in patients of all ages. We detect squints, amblyopia (lazy eye), as well as other visual and eye muscle defects (which can sometimes cause symptoms of double vision, eye strain and headaches). We work closely with the op...

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Tag:   Orthoptic (1)     eye (3)     binocular (1)     amblyopia (1)     squint (1)     lazy eye (1)     sight (2)