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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "walgreens on park and sharon charlette nc"

277 pages found in the Patients and Visitors website ...  Showing 277 pages.

Page results

Public can nominate for WUTH staff in Trust awards

Last updated on Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Patients and members of the public are invited to nominate a team or individual to win a special accolade at Wirral University Hospital’s staff awards. Wirral University Teaching Hospital will be hosting its Together Awards in November to celebrate outstanding achievements of its staff. Nominat...

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Children's Services

Last updated on Friday, March 1, 2019

What We Do Children who are ill, and are referred to us by their GP or Walk-in Centre, are seen in our Children's Emergency Department at Arrowe Park Hospital. The department can call on the expertise of doctors and nurses throughout the hospital to assess and treat ill and injured children. Ch...

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Tag:   Child (1)     children (16)     baby (6)     babies (5)     infants (1)     toddler (2)     health (12)     childhood (1)    

Substance Misuse Services

Last updated on Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Hospital Services Substance Misuse Services are available on both hospital sites - Arrowe Park and Clatterbridge of Wirral University Teaching Hospitals Trust. The service is for inpatients only. We offer the following:- Assessment Advocacy Support Specialist substance misuse treatments as...

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Tag:   assessment (7)     signpost (1)     misuse (2)     addiction (3)     drug (4)     alcohol (4)     advocacy (1)    

Get ready for the day of surgery

Last updated on Monday, November 30, 2020

Your admission letter will detail the time and location of your operation; this can take place at either Arrowe Park Hospital or Clatterbridge Hospital. Please ensure you read this carefully as it contains information which will help to ensure your surgery goes ahead as planned. Please contact u...

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Blood Testing

Last updated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Arrowe Park Hospital outpatients - Adults The phlebotomy clinic is located in clinic 5 in the main outpatient department at Arrowe Park Hospital. If you are seeing a consultant and require a blood test the same day, take a number and you will be called. If you require a blood test prior to your...

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Tag:   blood (10)     test (9)     scan (10)     investigation (1)     phlebotomy (2)     glucose (1)     sugar (2)     blood sugar (11)     iron (1)     deficient (1)    

WUTH and the Treat Me Well campaign

Last updated on Thursday, August 29, 2019

We are signed up for the Treat me well, the campaign has been set up by a learning disability charity ‘Mencap’ which aims to transform how health services treats people with a learning disability accessing hospitals. Mencap vision is a world where people with a learning disability are valued e...

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WUTH Dissent

Last updated on Sunday, March 17, 2024

We want to hear about your experience as a patient  This hospital is committed to listening and responding to patient experience feedback and regularly conducts surveys to find out what patients think. If you are selected to take part in one of these surveys we may contact you by phone, text me...

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Tag:   Dissent (3)     Surveys (3)     survey (10)     corporate (2)     feedback (28)    

Hospital and Outpatient Clinics

Last updated on Monday, April 9, 2018

Children who are ill and are referred by GP or walk in centre are seen in the Children's Emergency Department. This department sees children with accidents and emergencies. The department can call on the expertise of doctors and nurses through out the hospital to assess and treat ill and injured...

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Tag:   critical (5)     infant (6)     hospital stay (3)     inpatient (4)     ward (9)     doctor (6)     emergencies (2)