
The population of the Wirral is currently 320,220, with a national ratio of 1:3 affected by cancer and 1:4 deaths annually are cancer related. WUTH diagnosis over 3,000 new cancers each year. Over 50% of people diagnosed survive beyond 10 years and It is estimated that there are 11,500 people living with and beyond cancer in Wirral.
Cancer Services at WUTH aim is to seize opportunities to work with our partners across health, social care and third sector organisations in order to provide cancer care that is patient focused and in line with national and local strategic guidance.
Additional Documents
WUTH Cancer Services Directory 2024,
Modified: 06/06/2024 1:46PM | Download:
WUTH Cancer Services Directory 2024
Roadmap One Wirral ,
Modified: 01/06/2022 4:22PM | Download:
Roadmap One Wirral