Results for: "bone grafting can result in rebuilding some bone loss because of disease."
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Children’s Outpatients
Last updated on Wednesday, April 28, 2021
If you have any queries about your child’s appointment please contact us on 0151 604 7039. The Children's Outpatient Department is open as follows: We run child outpatient clinics at our four hospital sites. These are: Wirral Women and Children’s Hospital / Arrowe Park Hospital St Catherine...
read moreContacting your local faith or spiritual care community
Last updated on Tuesday, July 6, 2021
We are happy to contact your local faith or spiritual care leader for you to let them know that you or someone you love has come into hospital, just give us a call. If your local faith or spiritual care leader already knows you are coming or have come into hospital you can also ask them to conta...
read moreOne stop haematuria clinic
Last updated on Monday, February 8, 2021
Men and women who have noticed blood in their urine, or those that the GP as detected microscopic blood in the urine on dipstick testing can be referred to this clinic (based on certain criteria). The patients will undergo an initial triage by a urology specialist nurse followed by requesting ima...
read moreSurgery School
Last updated on Monday, November 30, 2020
Surgery School is a programme that can be attended before surgery. Currently it is only available to those patients having joint surgery or colorectal surgery. It involves a face to face group programme where you will be taught all about the steps to take before and after your surgery to help y...
read moreWhat We Spend and How We Spend It
Last updated on Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Financial Statements and Reports: Annual financial reports and budgets are published in our Annual Reports. Funding Sources: Information on our funding and financial support can be found in our annual financial statements. Procurement Procedures: Details about our procurement...
read moreHospital and Home Education
Last updated on Monday, April 9, 2018
Education for children who are staying in hospital is provided by Wirral Hospitals' School and Home Education Service which is provided for reception to Year 11 years old. Staff are on the ward during the school term from 9:30am to 11 :45am.If a child has to be absent from school for more than 3...
read moreWhy have I received an appointment for the COPD sessions?
Last updated on Wednesday, April 11, 2018
GPs, practice nurses, community nurses and hospital staff are the main people who will ask us to see patient's with COPD for help and advice. This will usually be discussed with you before the referral is made. Many patient's with COPD have been admitted to hospital with an exacerbation and the...
read moreSmoking
Last updated on Thursday, February 21, 2019
Stopping smoking for just 4 weeks reduces your chance of getting a chest infection or wound infection and increases your chances of being able to get home sooner after your operation healthy and well. We know it isn’t an easy thing to do but there is help available. Look at the NHS choices webs...
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