Children's Services

What We Do
Children who are ill, and are referred to us by their GP or Walk-in Centre, are seen in our Children's Emergency Department at Arrowe Park Hospital. The department can call on the expertise of doctors and nurses throughout the hospital to assess and treat ill and injured children.
Children who need hospital treatment for an illness or an operation will be cared for on our Children's Ward. The ward is new and state of the art. It has all the facilities needed to care for ill children and to support their parents.
Children who have complicated medical needs but not an acute illness will go to our Children's Outpatient Department. The department sees children and newborns recovering from an acute illness and children with illnesses which need the expertise of paediatricians and other specialists.
You will find useful information about children's medicines by following the link on the left had side of this page.
Further information on children’s health can be found by selecting a choice below:
Additional Documents
Children's Services Privacy Notice,
Modified: 14/09/2018 4:22PM | Download:
Children's Services Privacy Notice