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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

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Courses & Events

Last updated on Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Education Centre is proud to be able to host the following events:- For Clinical Skills:- Advanced Life Support Course - ALS CourseNeonatal Life Suport Course - NLS CoursePaediatric Life Support Course - PLS CourseAdvanced Paediatric Life Support - APLS CourseIll Medical Patient Acute Care...

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Tag:   course (7)     examination (1)     exam (1)     learning (8)     development (8)     Multidisciplinary (1)     clinical (8)     MDT (1)    


Last updated on Monday, August 16, 2021

Orthoptists diagnose and manage binocular vision and eye movement disorders in patients of all ages. We detect squints, amblyopia (lazy eye), as well as other visual and eye muscle defects (which can sometimes cause symptoms of double vision, eye strain and headaches). We work closely with the op...

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Tag:   Orthoptic (1)     eye (3)     binocular (1)     amblyopia (1)     squint (1)     lazy eye (1)     sight (2)    

Wirral and Chester Breast Screening Programme

Last updated on Friday, April 19, 2024

At Wirral and Chester Breast Screening Programme we aim to provide and promote an efficient and effective, high quality breast screening service, to all eligible women, within a caring environment. Breast screening helps healthcare professionals to detect breast cancer at an early stage, which i...

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How Much is Too Much?

Last updated on Monday, August 20, 2018

Remember drink sensibly and if..."You wouldn't sober, you shouldn't drunk!" In 2016 government recommendations brought the consumption of alcohol by men into line with recommended levels for women. The current suggested level of alcohol for both men and women is 14 units of alcohol per week, but...

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Tag:   drinksafe (1)     alcohol (4)     over the limit (1)     units (1)     booze (1)     drink (4)    

What happens at the clinic

Last updated on Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Wirral TB Service is led by the Senior TB specialist nurse Lesley Brogelli. The TB service work closely with the Respiratory Consultants and we specialise in caring and treating people with TB and preventing its spread. Our service is used by children and adults on the Wirral with suspected o...

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Tag:   TB (5)     Tuberculosis (5)     chest (5)     cough (3)     clinic (22)     immunosuppressive (1)     Immunocompromised (1)     BCG (1)     vaccination (1)    

Urological conditions

Last updated on Monday, February 8, 2021

The speciality of Urology covers a multitude of conditions, which is categorised amongst the following two headings – malignant (cancerous) and benign conditions – Malignant (cancer) Urologists deal with cancers of the urinary tract. These include cancers of the kidney, ureter, bladder, prostat...

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Dissent Posters

Last updated on Tuesday, April 2, 2024

What is a Dissent Poster? NHS hospitals are required to display dissent posters in prominent locations, such as waiting areas or patient wards. These posters inform patients of their right to refuse care or treatment from a particular person involved in their care, should they have any concerns....

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Tag:   cqc (2)     Dissent (3)     survey (10)     maternity (2)     children (16)     young person (1)     patient (16)     experience (9)     Urgent (3)     emergency (12)     Inpatient (7)     adult (1)    

Welcome Workstreams

Last updated on Monday, June 3, 2024

Welcome Promise Group Workstreams: Orientation Films Orientation films, also called patient education videos or welcome videos, are short informative films made by WUTH. These films help patients, carers and their families get ready for their hospital stay or medical procedure. We make these...

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Tag:   welcome (4)     patient (16)     Patient Experience Strategy (29)     promise (9)     promise groups (7)     video (8)     ward (9)     department (1)     workstream (1)     Ward folder (2)     Signage (1)     Wayfinding (1)     access (5)     accessibility (4)     collaborate (2)